Confronting and Exposing the Ivory TradeIvory Belongs On ElephantsThe biggest threat to elephants is the ivory trade (followed by loss
of habitat). When poachers kill an elephant for ivory, they go after the
largest elephants: the bulls and the matriarchs. Because elephants live
in close knit affectionate family units led by a matriarch, when she is
killed, it puts her whole family in tragic confusion, trauma. grief and
danger. The killing of the matriarch can destroy the whole family. They
need her wisdom to guide them to water holes, feeding areas and to teach
them how to survive. The man on my right, in uniform, is the very first Maasai employee of Pachyderm Power's new Anti-Poaching Patrol!!!!! We are so thrilled to be starting this project because the Maasai should be at the fore front of wildlife conservation because they live in the bush with them! This project needs your financial support.